About Us
Founders of the Family Church of Jesus Christ WORLD WIDE
Pastor Jabran Tabish and Apostle Robin Tabish

The Family Church of Jesus Christ Mission !
We are a church founded by our Father God, Jehovah. He has called us into
all the world to preach the gospel to every creature, to every nation by the
saving grace, of our Lord Jesus Christ. The gospel is the good news! We are
called to feed the people physically and spiritually. We are called to teach
them how to live a life of joy, peace and live a life of wholeness. Our mission
is to do construction of houses, schools, orphanages, churches, community
centers and playgrounds. We educate the neighborhoods and the pastors
how to help the people to live a life of prosperity in body, in soul and in spirit,
by the mercy and grace of God. Our mission is to show that perfect love of
God to hurting and broken people around the world.
Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all of your heart, Lean not to your own
understanding Acknowledge Him in all your ways And He will direct your
Lead Pastor: Rev. Robin Tabish Co-Pastor: Rev Jabran Tabish